Manufacturing Veteran to Helm indieDwell Pueblo Factory

Ron Francis - PEDCO.jpg

indieDwell has selected Ron Francis, a 30 year veteran of the manufacturing industry in both the United States and Europe, to lead the company’s new facility in Pueblo, Colorado.

“Ron’s manufacturing experience, commitment to the community and connections with important community partners makes him the perfect person to lead this new venture,” said indieDwell Co-founder and Executive Chairman Pete Gombert.

After 20 years manufacturing in Europe, Ron spent the last 14 years with manufacturing plants in Pueblo, Colorado most recently at pewag Chain. As a former board member of PEDCO (Pueblo Economic Development Corporation), Ron worked to encourage businesses to locate their operations in Pueblo and grow the manufacturing industry in southern Colorado. He is a founding member of the Pueblo Manufacturing Group, now called Southern Colorado Manufacturing Group, which supports coordinated efforts to improve manufacturing practices, sharing intellectual capital and pooled resources. He recently led the effort with PCC (Pueblo Community College) to establish a maintenance apprenticeship program for Southern Colorado manufacturers, designed to provide a necessary skilled workforce for local manufacturing.

Jeff Shaw, CEO of PEDCO said that, “indieDwell made a great choice hiring Ron as Ron possesses the skill, knowledge and leadership ability that will enable indieDwell to thrive in Pueblo.“

Scheduled to start production in the second quarter of 2020, the Pueblo team will ultimately consist of nearly 200 people and producing approximately 300,000 square feet of housing per year in a 100,000 sq ft facility. indieDwell will be hosting a public welcoming event at the new facility in late spring.

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