indieDwell and the Pay it Forward Kindness Challenge


In Late May 2020, Jess Flynn, CEO and Co-Founder of Red Sky Strategic Communication, challenged indieDwell CEO Christina Ortiz Bluth to the Pay it Forward Kindness Challenge. The challenge originated in Boise, ID with local developer Dr. Tommy Ahlquist offering the first Challenge.

indieDwell responded by Paying it forward to local housing services provider Jesse Tree. In the beginning days of the COVID Virus, Jesse Tree’s call volume of those looking for rental assistance jumped 300%, requiring the organization to add an additional ten volunteers to keep up with demand.

We paid it forward by handing out Downtown Boise gift cards to all the staff, and by paying the rent for a family who otherwise couldn’t have done so. The whole indieDwell team contributed to the effort, and the video above is what it looked like.

Nate Eikelberg