What Makes indieDwell Different? People Powered Factories


. . . the modular builder wants to get the human-assisted robotic arms on its factory floor cranking out one room after another as soon as it secures design permits.

A recent article on modular building featured that quote trumpeting the virtues of automation in the modern housing production factory. While there is no question technology across all professions contributes to vast gains in worker productivity, in many industrial applications technology tends to overshadow the contributions of the employees themselves. It’s different at indieDwell

The indieDwell Model

indieDwell partners with leading organizations around the country to build new modular factories in communities in need of economic and workforce development. The company aims to pay a living wage to employees in the communities where we locate so employees can afford to live in the community where they work. indieDwell also provides medical, dental and vision benefits, and paid time off to all employees. Most importantly all indieDwell teammates are owners in the company, participating in the company’s stock option plan and profit sharing. Truly, when indieDwell succeeds everyone at indieDwell succeeds not just shareholders and managers.

The Problem, and Our Approach to the Solution

Why do things this way? Simply put we believe that to do it any other way makes us part of the problem. The problem is two-fold: many communities face shortages in living wage jobs as well as housing. The National Low Income Housing Council reports that Idaho faces a shortage of 23,348 rental homes to meet the needs of extremely low income renters. Further, 39% of extremely low income renter households in Idaho are among those who are in the labor force. indieDwell invests in its people - paying living wages and providing benefits - so that as a company we are not adding to the number of low income households. Rounding out the indieDwell solution, our teammates build durable, energy efficient, sustainable, healthy affordable homes.

We’re not arguing against technology. The production of quality modular homes involves technological sophistication across a variety of disciplines - architecture, engineering, and manufacturing. But indieDwell invests in productivity enhancing technologies in support of employees, not at their expense.

Nate EikelbergindieDwell